Good Indoor Air Quality Makes for Happier Holidays
The busy holiday season is approaching and that means friends and family will be making regular visits to your home. Some will stay for a short visit, others for several hours, and there will be those that become house guests for a few days.
Knowing your indoor air quality is free of allergens and subtle smells will benefit you and your guests.
If you’ve been in a room with poor ventilation or a HVAC system that can’t handle a large crowd, you know how stale and unpleasant the air can get.
When you add in the extra smells (both good and bad) from all the cooking, holiday candles and people present, the air quality in your home during the holidays may not be the best.
Good Indoor Air Quality Has Several Benefits
Taking steps to improve your home’s air quality by replacing the filter on your furnace, cleaning vents and perhaps even purchasing an indoor air cleaner, has several benefits that you and your guests will appreciate.
Easier to Breath
If your home’s air quality is low, breathing can feel like trying to suck air through a straw. Even if you don’t realize it, your body does. Surviving on shallow breaths puts a lot of stress on your body, especially your heart and lungs. -
More Restful Sleep
Respiratory irritation and airborne allergens affect the quality of your sleep, leading to sleep-disorders such as sleep apnea. -
Eliminate Allergens
Allergens are airborne particles including dust, animal dander, mold spores and pollen that you may be allergic to. Eliminating allergens ensures that you and your guests stay away from the sneezing, itchy eyes and nasal congestion caused by these airborne irritants. -
Removes Odors
Bad smells have a very real effect on your mood, thoughts, behaviors, and dreams. Bad odors can leave you uncharacteristically grumpy, irritable and less productive. On the other hand, good smells—like chamomile, flowers, and citrus—improve your mood, reduce stress, and lower your heart rate. -
Cuts Energy Costs
Improving airflow and ventilation, maintaining optimum humidity levels, and monitoring carbon dioxide levels all contribute to a more efficiently running HVAC system. This in turn leads to reduced costs on your utility bill.
How to Get Started on Cleaner Air
The easiest way to get started is to arrange for an HVAC Tune Up of your furnace. Making sure your furnace is running well will improve your home’s overall air quality. This inspection will also determine if other services are needed to ensure the air in your home is as healthy as it can be.
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